2024 Committee Members 
Youth/Education Committee:
Sheryl Bergren – Chair 
Deb Arnold
Laura Curran
Endowment and Scholarship Committee:
Tim Kuiken
Chad Thompson
Kevin Curran
Fellowship/Hospitality Committee:
Carol Carlson – chair
Ron and Heidi Haines
Shannon and Sheryl Bergren
Kevin and Laura Curran
Judith Whitmore
Claudia Worley
Mamba Parish Liaison:
John Grunwald
Pastor Adkins
Property Committee:
Marvin Larson – Chair
Shannon Bergren
Gary Debner
Todd Bloomquist
Ron Battreall
Worship Committee:
Jim Schwarz – Chair
Carol Carlson, Secretary
Heidi Grunwald- Council Rep.
John Grunwald
Altar Guild Representatives:
Becky Thompson
Laura Curran
Drive By Supper Contact:
Carol Carlson
Jamie Kuiken, coordinator