Youth Ministry

 Confirmation (6th – 8th Grade)

Wednesday’s from 6:00-7:30p.m.

First’s Confirmation Ministry is an educational opportunity that is a part of the process of formation in faith for youth. These classes offer a chance to look at scripture, doctrine and practices of the church that are a part of the life of a Christian. Here at First, confirmation is offered in a three year curriculum starting in 6th grade. At the conclusion of the three years, the community celebrates a service of Affirmation of Baptism in which the 8th grade confirmation students stand before the congregation and publicly affirm the promises made at their baptism.

The confirmation curriculum covers the following:

Year A

  • Reformation History
  • Holy Communion
  • Holy Baptism

Year B

  • Lord’s Prayer
  • 10 Commandments
  • Apostles’ Creed

Year C

  • Bible: Old and New Testaments

Confirmation meets on Wednesday’s from 6:00-7:30p.m. starting in September and ending in May each year. Opportunities for gathering together in fellowship are also planned including community service activities and angel tree shopping.

High School Youth (9th – 12th Grade)

At First we are looking for new ways to include the high school youth in the ministry of our congregation. Many of our youth take part in worship ministries such as worship assistants, communion assistants and singing with the weavers. There are also opportunities to take part in activities hosted by the Southeastern Iowa Synod such as mission trips and weekend youth gatherings and the ELCA Youth Gathering. Contact the church office for the latest information on these events. 

ELCA National Youth Gathering

Every 3 years, the ELCA hosts a national youth gathering. This is an opportunity for approximately 35,000 youth to participate in worship, service and discipleship together. In 2015, the ELCA Youth Gathering took place in Detroit, MI. In 2018 the Youth Gathering was in Houston, TX, June 27-July 1, 2018. The next Youth Gathering is for youth entering 9, 10, 11 and 12 in the summer of 2024 to be held in New Orleans, LA.


Scholarships are available from FLC for both recent and non-recent high school graduates. To apply for a scholarship, please contact the church office.